
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Packing up

We have picked up the visas from the embassy and we are packing up!

Our journey in Africa is almost over. We spent part of today outside at a nice park to get the kids (and adults) some good exercise before our long flight home.

I can't wait to see my son who has been waiting. Ezra, we are coming soon!

Please pray that all 8 of us get seats close to each other. On the last flight from Kigali, we were spread out all over the place and little Elizabeth had a seat by herself. My oldest took that seat for her so she could be closer to Daddy, but we'd love to have all the seats together.

As a result, we are going several hours early to the airport. Our flight is at ten pm, we are leaving here at four to head in that direction.

Thanks for praying us through these amazing weeks!

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