
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Quick update

Hi everybody,
We are having some downtime at the hotel before we go tour the orphanage later today. We tried to get our court date today, but it will be tomorrow, Lord willing. According to our lawyer, we should get our court date and our ruling tomorrow. We would love your prayers to that end!

To all of you waiting, we want to MIGEPROF this morning to meet all the people there. I nearly knocked out their power by tripping over the numerous power cords. But, the scanner was working! We prayed over the office like crazy!!! We cannot get you guys that are still waiting out of our minds!

We can't wait to see the kids this afternoon. Posting pictures has proven impossible at this point, so I'll just say this: this has been amazing! The kids at the orphanage are precious and we can't wait for you all to come and scoop them up!!!

Thanks for praying! We will update as we can.

1 comment:

  1. so excited for you guys - love reading about your trip and hoping ours comes soon. =)
