
Friday, March 5, 2010


As I've been pondering and processing what I am learning through the book I was telling you about yesterday, I think what has struck me the most is that, while International Justice Mission is cool and all, (and I do think they are way cool), freedom for captives and release from darkness for the prisoners is God's idea!

International Justice Mission is cool and what they do is cool because God is cool and His whole plan is freedom and justice and rescue! And they know that, and they proclaim that. They know that justice is not just their passion; it is God's.

What I love about this book is that it points me to God, my Father, my Savior, who loves all things FREEDOM and all things JUST and all things RIGHT; the book doesn't just point to themselves to say, "aren't we the best?"

The passage that Gary Haugen quotes at the beginning of the book is "You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more." Psalm 10: 17-18

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