
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mommy Guilt Gets Me Into Some Interesting Situations

Last month we got an invitation to our local home school Science Fair. I have never entered or even attended a science fair in my life. I really, truly dislike science. It brings back really bad memories. So I teach it as infrequently as I can. Which is sad, because my kids love science experiments, which is basically just a good excuse to make a mess, in my opinion.

But I felt so guilty that my kids don't get to do fun things (like Science Fairs, if you think that's fun, which I don't) just because I am lame.

So I entered them into the fair.

Please tell me what I was thinking.

The Science Fair is tomorrow. We are hosting missionaries that we don't know this weekend for our church Missions Conference. Which means that I should be in major cleaning mode, but instead, I am trying to figure out why does bread get moldy?

I have no idea.

Also, I am determined to actually MAKE DINNER tonight since I've really been thinking about the whole sowing and reaping thing. Which means I need to stop blogging and go do SOMETHING. Anything.

I am still here.

Where do I begin? Science Fair? Dinner? General mess? Laundry? This desk? Going to Costco to pick up the pictures for the Science Fair to put on the display board (and buy milk since we are totally out?)?

I mean, does anyone get excited about this? Other than my children, of course?

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