
Monday, August 15, 2011

first day

one of the highlights of our year: the first day of school!

today, Providence Christian School opened its doors for the 5th year in a row to welcome:

a creative fourth grader

a bright third grader

a beloved first grader

two curious preschoolers
(yes, he got glasses! Read here.)
and, of course, LOUD Malachi.
When I first started homeschooling, I was really out of my league and needed so much encouragement and even more ideas. My precious friend and fellow adoptive mom, Stephanie, told me that one of the fun things they do on the first day of school is go out the back door with their backpacks on, walk around the house, and come to the front door, where they are enthusiastically greeted by their teacher. I thought it sounded great, so we have done it every year:

leaving the back yard
and welcomed at the front door

then we enjoy a DELICIOUS breakfast from Dunkin' Donuts

I know this picture is dark, but I love that Malachi is vigorously signing "please" for his doughnut. How do they KNOW that sugar is in their immediate future?!

After Dunkin' Donuts, we have a scavenger hunt. They put on their backpacks, and search all around for school supplies. They LOVE this!

After the scavenger hunt, we go upstairs to the school room, which always looks its very best on this day (but I don't promise anything after this day).

(A big shout out to my awesome mom, who spent the past several days here with me cleaning this room out among others, and my awesome mother-in-law who kept 3 of my kids last week while I purged/organized/got ready for school).

Their books are waiting for them, and they get to look through them all and see what they will be studying.

Here are Ezra and Elizabeth covering their letter A with stickers:
Malachi loves to play!

We love homeschooling!


  1. Oh my goodness! Catching up on your blog and loving it. Love today's especially because it is just so darn CUTE!! Marie is so grown up, Caleb's stack of books almost buries him!, Kate is just too precious and the look on her face when looking at her books is priceless! I love Elizabeth's hair, and those sunglasses!, and Ezra's new glasses - he looks SO good in them!! He's really working them there on the back porch, looking over them like a professor or something. :)

    All their pictures in their new clothes and backpacks are really good!!

    It's cool that they walk around back, I never knew that. And a breakfast of champions! Of COURSE Malachi is frantically motioning for more... who wouldn't? (Especially Malachi!) :)

    Hope today started off the year right - it certainly seemed to!! Hope the rest of the year goes as smoothly!

    Donuts every day?!?!?!?!

  2. wow!i am amazed!!! you are doing AWESOME!
