
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Like sands through the hourglass...

I know you know how to complete that sentence! I'm not the only one who wasted hours and hours in high school watching that show!

I have spent most of the day getting ready for our brand new school year, set to begin this Monday, August 3! While this probably does not sound very exciting to you, it is very exciting to me. Why is this so exciting, you may ask?

Because being prepared brings peace to my soul.

This is the start of our 3rd year of homeschooling. It has been such a joy, such a learning experience! I have learned so much about myself and about my weaknesses. One of my biggest weaknesses is planning. I didn't realize how much I love to fly by the seat of my pants.

Also, I have an intense dislike of spending money.

So, when you combine those two things, you get a mom who is generally not prepared for lessons on a daily basis. Yet, I was responsible for their learning, and wanted to do it with excellence. But how?

This year I am trying lesson plans from Her lesson plans are affordable, based on the book The Well Trained Mind, AND from a Christian perspective! What a winning combination!

But even after purchasing the lesson plans, I had to actually buy the books she recommends to teach! Ouch. That came today. Did I tell you I hate to spend money? I was on every conceivable website that sells such books, comparing prices and shipping rates. Can you relate at all?

But, that painful part is over, and now I just wait to receive all the goodies! Thank you, UPS.

What is next on the adoption front? I have seen other blogs with a "to do" list side bar, and I think that is an excellent idea! I may just have to copy it. What is next for us is:
---having our state DSS approve our home study (I continue to check the tracking number like a mad woman)
---having DSS send the newly approved home study to CIS
---our fingerprint appointment on August 19
---waiting for 171 H approval!
---certifying everything at our state capital
---sending dossier to AWAA

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